Best Art Activities For Preschoolers By The Best Preschools In Austin

best preschools in austin

There is a huge importance of arts in the life of children from an early age. Nothing could be better than arts to give the initial learning, teaching them the importance of critical thinking. Art leads the road to the imagination, creating pictures in an individual’s mind and bringing them to reality. The use of the brain at such an early stage enhances the mental ability, helping to develop the patterning as well as cause and effect skills. This early learning does help them to create a sort of connection between the subjects.


At AEBS, we value a multicultural education because it prepares students to be productive and more tolerant citizens.
The winter, spring and summer camp programs will help students appreciate cultures from around the world and encourage them to be internationally minded. Teachers and students will apply the International Baccalaureate attitudes and student profile while learning about “who we are.”
We believe in academic excellence and instill in our students a sense of responsibility and leadership skills.
Our learning are hands on: exploring the nature, sensorimotor, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, drama, puppets and free time discovery in the Reggio Emilia ateliers. We believe in academic excellence and instill in our students a sense of responsibility and leadership skills.
We currently working on the detail for our winter camp.

Extracurricular Activities

Austin Eco Bilingual School offers after-school electives as a part of it’s extracurricular activities that will contribute to it’s students advancement and development in various areas as they acquire new skills.
Soccer Shots
Soccer Shots is a leader in youth soccer development for children ages 2-8. Our nationally recognized program offers a high energy, fun, and age-appropriate introduction to the wonderful game of soccer. Their innovative and creative curriculum emphasizes both soccer skills and character development, such as teamwork, respect, and confidence.

Teams of Tomorrow (TOT) a basketball ball handling and dribbling program
TOT is where athletics meets academics. TOT uses the perfect mixture of physical movement, hand eye coordination, and brain use to maximize the growth of your kid.

KidFit-Tennis (North Campus Only)
Where the child will learn and feel good about the process, each lesson will ensure a child’s success.

Groovy Gym Bus
Groovy Gym Bus is a fitness gym on wheels for kids. They will learn the fundamentals of gymnastics and movement by USAG certified instructor.

After School

AEBS’s afterschool program believes in the appreciation of the arts to enable our students to development their multiple intelligences to become a complete person in a healthy society.
Its mission is to enable children to engage in artistic and cultural activities that otherwise would not be available to them. Our program integrates the literary, performing, visual, and culinary arts not just to teach particular skills, but to nurture individual creativity, encourage group collaboration, and to give students the opportunity to explore new and sometimes life-changing experiences.
In our after school program we will foster the ability to gain knowledge, apply knowledge, acquire Spanish language skills, manipulate one’s environment and think abstractly. Students will engage their natural curiosity and explore the arts, computers, chess, robotics, applied mathematics, stories and other creative activities in a comfortable, stimulating, Spanish immersion atmosphere.
There are eight elements associated with our program that support the visual arts.
Linguistic (verbal)
Enjoy reading, writing, telling stories, and doing crossword puzzles

Logical (mathematical)
Inductive and deductive reasoning, use of numbers effectively and to categorize, infer, make generalizations, and test hypotheses

Spatial (visual)
Ability to visualize objects and special dimensions, think in images and pictures, like to draw and design, and enjoy puzzles

Body (kinesthetic)
Ability to move the body with skill and control, expertise in using the body to express ideas and feelings

Recognizing patterns and sounds, sensitivity to pitch and rhythm

Awareness of the natural world around them, can identify people, plants, and other environmental features

Ability to understand and communicate effectively with others, understand them, and interpret their behavior

Awareness of one’s self, goals, and emotions and the ability to use that knowledge for personal understanding
Our program has full-time and part-time options with a minimum of three non-consecutive-week enrollment.

Primary (PYP)

Primary (PP5 Kinder–1st Grade)

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) develops in young minds the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.
The five essential elements of the curriculum are concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and action. The learning model is constructive and based on the belief that students come into any learning situation with prior knowledge which can be built upon. This is the starting point for our learning.
Children are encouraged to develop their dispositions to learn, their confidence and self-esteem, their ability to think for themselves and to show initiative.
The program’s framework is driven by concept acquisition and is inquiry-based. Our students will explore six units of inquiry. Each unit has a science and/or social studies focus with language, arts and math infused throughout.
1. Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

2. Where We Are In Place And Time
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnections of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

3. How We Express Ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

4. How The World Works
An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

5. How We Organize Ourselves
An inquiry into the interconnections of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

6. Sharing The Planet
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
AEBS will offer a “PYP Workshop” for parents new to the Primary Years Programme (PYP) as part of the International Baccalaureate®.

The objective is to create an understanding of the PYP philosophy and pedagogy through hands-on experience.

Parents will get a flavor of what happens in a PYP classroom and how takes part in inquiry-based learning experiences in four different stations. AEBS Parents will get a deeper insight into what trans-disciplinary teaching and learning look like in Language, Math, Science and Social Studies in brief 20-minute sessions. The focus is on concepts rather than content and how it is communicated in each station.

The learning experience is woven together by a common central idea under the theme ‘Sharing the Planet’. Parents also get an overview of the philosophy and importance of the Learner Profile in the PYP curriculum. At each station, you will be able to demonstrate your understanding through a variety of assessment tools such as the continuum, rubric and checklist. At the end, parents will be asked to reflect on their learning and provide feedback.
Austin Eco Bilingual School will be implementing a new program that will develop good practices in terms of learning and service.

Teachers will focus on how to incorporate curricular content and collaborative practices into a school project. To ensure success, AEBS will be collaborating with the programs. We will be working with Margaret on 15 days of Caring TIPS to contribute to the growth of a fraternal and cooperative culture in Latin American through the development of service-learning projects.

These projects will equip each child with roots and wings to thrive in a global world. Our students grow roots through celebration of the diverse cultural and linguistic heritages and traditions at AEBS.

Some of our programs are:
  • Kid’s Global View
  • Bridge Project for Education
  • 15 Days of Caring
  • Passport for Peace Project
  • Green Apple Day of Service
  • Love for Heroes Project
  • Angel Tree Project
  • Elderly Love Project
  • A Love Toy Project
  • Shelter Project
Austin Eco Bilingual School aims to develop students who are ethical, public-minded and who possess a pluralistic outlook. Both curricular and co-curricular activities work to educate effective home-grown leaders who are actively engaged in their local communities and are aware of the implications of their actions.

Not only do these opportunities provide an environment to explore and enhance skills such as cooperation and problem solving, they also enable students to set personal goals and challenge themselves.

Leadership activities instill in participants a sense of community ownership, creativity and a collaborative spirit, which prepares them for a lifetime of active engagement and leadership.
To know more about how we apply IB methodology, please review our AEBS IB PYP Policies and transdisciplinary skills.
North Campus
South Campus